Investmentwissen - gepaart mit Tradingwissen. Mit viel Erfahrung aus dem Echtgeldhandel unterlegt.

Dear Trader,
This is the true story of how the Money Master book came into being:
“Ugh! This stuff is terrible,” I said to my wife, as I gulped down some wheat grass juice at one of those health resorts people go to in order to lose some weight and get healthy.
After the wheat grass, we sauntered into the dining room for the daily breakfast of raw vegetables and other tasteless “food”.
“You mean we have to eat this stuff for two more weeks?” I asked. “I don’t know if I can take it. It all has no taste, or else tastes terrible.
”We were eating at a large round table with some of the other guests.
“This stuff is really awful,” one man agreed, as he extended his hand. “My name is Charan,” he said.
“Pleased to meet you.”
Here was someone who agreed with me, a kindred soul, a fellow sufferer!“
Hi, Charan. My name is Joe, and I can’t wait to get out of here. In fact, right after I force this stuff down, I’m heading for the Internet café down the road. I have to look at the markets.”
“Are you a trader?” he asked.
“Yes, I like to trade futures, but while I’m here I can get down to the café only once a day.”
“Oh! I didn’t know there was a place with Internet. I also watch the markets,” Charan said. “I have a huge portfolio, but since they don’t have Internet here at the resort, I have no idea of what’s been going on.”
“Well, I’ll be going in a few minutes. Want to come along for the ride?” I asked.
“Sure!” Charan said. “I’ll get my laptop and meet you by the front desk.”
That’s how it all started, just a few years ago. On the ride to the Internet café, Charan told me that he was making $50,000 a month by trading options on stocks. He said he was also heavily invested in real estate — that he regularly looked at one hundred possibilities before he ever made any commitments.
Hey! This is a guy I want to know. During the next two weeks we hit the Internet café every trading day. He did a lot of talking, and I did a lot of listening. When I got back home, I opened a $10,000 account for my wife and began to trade the strategy Charan had talked about. Believe it or not, that account doubled in four and a half months!
Now I was really intrigued. I didn’t have time to look after two accounts, so I closed the one I had opened for my wife, and began to trade just a single account, one with considerably more money in it. I’m here to tell you that I made lots of mistakes with the larger account. I really wasn’t being as careful as I had been with the smaller account, and it cost me.
Nevertheless, the intrigue I experienced with Charan was still there, and I decided I would study further into this business of combining options with stocks. I soon found out there was a lot more to it. I realized that, besides the stocks and options combination, adding dividends was also a way to increase the yield from the trades I was making.
Keep in mind that I was a futures trader, and a day trader at that, and not much of an investor.
I had to learn a whole new way of thinking.
As time passed, I began to realize that with my new knowledge I could be as active or as passive as I wanted to be, and that’s what my new E-Book, “Money Master,” is about. I have never before been so excited about what I’m doing as I have been with the Money Master strategies.
In fact, I wrote the book so my kids could follow it, and do what I’m doing for themselves. If what I learned in the past few years was taught in schools, there would be an end to poverty for millions of people. There would be no need for Social Security. Just about everyone could retire with considerable wealth.
There is so little risk with what I’m doing now that I don’t even think about it.

Money Master
von Joe Ross
eBook (Englisch)
pdf Format
I’m serious when I say that the knowledge written into Money Master belongs in every home. It should be taught in schools around the world. Every child should be taught what I am putting in this E-Book.

Money Master is not a huge e-book. It has 13 short chapters and an Appendix. But the content is dynamite. The investment techniques I’m currently using could be taught to a child.
The question is, “What are you going to do about it?”