Investmentwissen - gepaart mit Tradingwissen. Mit viel Erfahrung aus dem Echtgeldhandel unterlegt.

Dauer: 1 Monat Tutoring mit Jack R. Sugarray
Buch: „Options und Futures“
Der Schwarzgurt im Trading: Optionsstrategien und ihre konkrete Anwendung - hochprofitabel!
Wichtiger Hinweis: Literatur als Vorbereitung ist fast ein „Muss“. Belohnt werden Sie mit einzigartigen Einblicken und Handelsstrategien durch den Meistertrader Jack R. Sugarray.
A. Zielgruppe:
Fortgeschrittene Trader, welche Neues lernen möchten (Damen & Herren)
Professionelle Fondsmanager, welche Ihr Strategienspektrum erweitern möchten
Studenten höherer Semester als Klausurvorbereitung
Doktoranden mit diesem Thema als Basis oder Vertiefung der Dis.
B. Ziel der Veranstaltung:
Sie wissen was profitables Options-Trading ist
Sie kennen Ihre Gegner und deren Waffen
Sie kennen Ihre Chancen und Risiken
Sie wissen genau welcher Weg zur Profitabilität zu gehen ist
Sie kennen detailliert die möglichen (einfachen, mittelschweren und hochkomplexen) Handelsstrategien
Sie bekommen ein einzigartiges Tool gezeigt und offeriert, um verschieden komplexe Strategien zu handeln und Ihre Positionen (G&V) zu überwachen
Filtern und simulieren Sie selbst profitable Trades, welche sofort umgesetzt werden können
C. Intensiv besprochene Themen bei der Veranstaltung:
Here, we let our Mastertrader speak:
Options’ trading is probably the least understood method of trading the markets. I think the reason is because it is perceived as being “complicated”, and “dangerous”. These miss-conceptions are based on ignorance, and for those in the know, options’ trading can be a very lucrative form of trading. Why do I say it can be very lucrative? Because we can often start a trade with the cards stacked in our favour, which I will explain shortly. There are many markets to trade and many ways to trade them. You may have tried Forex trading or Stocks or Futures trading and my guess is that you have never made a bundle of money in these markets. There is a very simple reason why you have not made money, and that is because the odds are stacked against you. When you buy a Lotto ticket your odds of winning big are probably in the region of one in twenty million. At the casino the odds are stacked against you and ultimately the house will win. When trading Futures or Forex or Stocks you have a less than 50% statistical probability of being successful. The reason for this statistical probability is that you cannot see into the future and the market has an equal probability of going up or down once you have entered a trade. You also have to pay a broker’s fee, which has to be recovered by the trade going your way before it can start to show a profit. So, you are starting out with a less than 50% chance of success. The good news is that by trading Options you can often get the odds stacked heavily in your favour, sometimes as good as 90% or better. I know this sounds too good to be true, but read on and you will see why the types of trades that I do regularly have a very high probability of success. And success in trading means money. I am not going to promise you that you will become fabulously wealthy by trading options, but you will be able to make a reasonable return on your investment. I have been trading since 1997 and have found that the methods I use for options’ trading suit my lifestyle and temperament. If you enjoy the adrenalin rush of risking huge amounts on the flip of a coin then maybe Forex or day trading the futures markets is for you. Why do you want to trade? If your answer is to make money then again you need to ask the question; do I want to make money the easy way or do I enjoy working hard for my money? If you enjoy slogging away and feel that you have to “earn” your money by sitting in front of a screen all day then what I am going to say will not appeal to you. Once you master options’ trading you can be assured of good returns, but like all trading there needs to be a measure of risk control and discipline. Another aspect to consider is that options’ trading requires good tools so that you are not trading in the dark; you need to evaluate your position’s profit and loss every day. Okay, you say, so there must be a downside otherwise everyone would be trading options. Yes, there is a downside, but it is not so big that it can’t be overcome….
You want to know more about that thrilling topic? Book me for Private Tutoring @ Trading Educators Middle Europe and/or come to the offered Workshop in Germany. I am sure you will not regret it.
By the way….don´t look at the price of that workshop, this does not mean anything once you understood the topic and the power of that kind of trading.
Good trades and see you,
Alleinstellungsmerkmale dieser Veranstaltung:
Dieses Wissen bekommen Sie nirgends sonst vermittelt!
Unverzichtbar für die Verwaltung und Schutz des eigenen Vermögens, insbesondere in Krisenzeiten
Anspruchsvolle Materie verständlich vermittelt
Optionsstrategien praktisch umgesetzt, kein „Theoretisieren“ zum Selbstzweck
Das einzigartige Tool für die praktische Umsetzung ist sofort von Alan erhältlich (kostenpflichtig)
Profis wissen, dass der Handel mit Optionen ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil für eine nachhaltige und langfristige Performance ist. Wenn Sie ganz vorne mithalten wollen, müssen Sie dieses Thema beherrschen.